Career Agents

The Career agents is a further expansion of the tutorial.

These are not required to play the game, but I HIGHLY recommend you complete these.

These can be done in what interests you first, or all at once and see what they're offering.

I often recommend you start the industrial ones first, only so you can work on other things while the mining missions are started.

You can find the career agents by opening the Agency, Agents, Career agents.

Experienced players: Can do all but two missions in a venture, do both industry missions at the same time (free easy Kernite for the ACP in Industry/producer!), do exploration, do enforcer at similar times to soldier of fortune last.  Soldier of fortune missions 2 and 5 makes you lose a ship!

Career Agent results

Because you have to do all 5, they all ask you to do something slightly differently, listed in the order I recommend from less combat to more combat. has some of these concepts as well in greater detail.  You can run the two industry missions at the same time, if you are organized, but it will confuse what one you have 'tracked' in the opportunity page.  So make sure you're tracking the right mission.

Oops, I messed up

Did you cancel a mission?  Well, you can't work with that agent again.  Or did them already before AIR was a thing?  The Agent will say something like: "Sorry, kid, nothing at the moment.  Could you come back later?"   Easy, go to a nearby one of the same faction.  Note: Game Masters (GM's) sometimes can help with this, but it's RARE.

Pick your race and go to the system that is NOT your starting school.

NPE Tips Before Starting

These are things most pilots struggle with.

Time to complete

I've recorded times and amount of isk you'd have after doing each Career mission as well:

AIR Career Mission

This also leads into the AIR Career Program, which I've made a cheatsheet for.   You should redeem most of your rewards immediately, inject skill books, but hold onto the Expert systems until you're ready to try that game play.  The items in your redemption queue when it has a reward waiting on it.

Click this button in the bottom left corner!

This is where your 1 million free skill points from the recruiter link appears too.  I recommend making a second account and inviting yourself if you ever plan to spend money on the game.  Or ask a helpful person for their link.

Full Career Agent Record

I'm recording a full list of career agent entries and comments, hopefully to make it easy for someone to do later.

Preparing to do the mission before clicking accept makes it more likely to get the bonus isk.

Double clicking on the mission title bars is the easiest way to move them out of the way until you can figure out what you're doing next.  This causes them to window shade, and can pull them down again if you get confused.

Industrialist - Producer

All of these are doable in the corvette if you want.  The mining ones are better done in the venture you're given for free.

Mission Name

Making Mountains of Molehills (1 of 10)


In corvette, EXACT location, mine


1 x Miner I, isk

Making Mountains of Molehills (2 of 10)

Refine veldspar same station

Venture, Isk

Making Mountains of Molehills (3 of 10)

Strip off 1MN AB, repackage

Expanded Cargohold I, Isk

Making Mountains of Molehills (4 of 10)

Kill npc, mine 3.5k veldspar, refine trit

OR Kill drone, buy 7k trit for 30k isk

Mining Laser Upgrade I, Miner I, Isk

Making Mountains of Molehills (5 of 10)

Move 40 m^3 7 jumps and return

Expanded Cargohold I, 1MN Afterburner I, Isk

Making Mountains of Molehills (6 of 10)

Mine 200 pyroxers, 200 veldspar

OR buy 20 cap booster 25 off market


Making Mountains of Molehills (7 of 10)

Move cap boosters 1 jump

Damage Control I, Isk

Making Mountains of Molehills (8 of 10)

Build Shuttle with 1200 veld/2.6k trit


Making Mountains of Molehills (9 of 10)

Mine kernite till npc shows up, kill him.


Making Mountains of Molehills (10 of 10)

Build a Bantam, buy or build or mine

Hauler and Isk

Making Mountains of Molehills (1 of 10)

Here is a mission suited for someone of your caliber.

Ship Type, war never stops, and we need to stoke it with raw materials. I want you to go mine some Veldspar ore for me.

Remember to fit a mining module to your ship before you go, and keep in mind that you might have to make more than one trip before you report back to me.

To make it clear, I want you to mine at least some ore from the location I've uploaded for you.

<Move 1 Jump, warp to location, doable in corvette>

Always a pleasure, of course. But the last mission I gave you isn't going to complete itself.

Go to the asteroid field your agent directed you to and mine some Veldspar. Bring 1000 units of Veldspar to the agent location. This ore can be sourced from the asteroid field or anywhere else.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<note: you can board your corvette, leave ship by right clicking, right click ship, repackage, click board corvette again, and have extra fittings like extra guns and 2 miners!  Strip off the gun, put on the second miner, and away you go!  alt-f for fitting screen, drag extra gun to your `item hanger`, then drag the Civilian Miner to the middle of the ship.  warp to location, load mining tab, must have all 1,000 veldspar in a single stack in your item hanger, took me a couple minutes>

<Complete Mission for Miner I and isk>

Well done, my friend. I may have another task for you.

<Request mission>

Making Mountains of Molehills (2 of 10)

Here is a mission suited for someone of your caliber.

Let's move on to the next stage in the process. First, you'll need at least 100 units of Veldspar. Then, you can reprocess it here at the station using the Reprocessing Plant and give me the results.

If you succeed, I'll give you a new mining frigate.

<Reprocess veldspar to tritanium, same station>

Acquire these goods: 100 x Tritanium

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Open Refinery, drag in veldspar, refine, can refine all of it.>

<Complete Mission for Venture and isk>

Good work. Stick around!

<Request mission>

Making Mountains of Molehills (3 of 10)

For you, my friend, there's always something.

The next stage in the industrial process is building something. I want you to give me a Civilian Afterburner.

I don't care how you do it; you can build one using the blueprint I gave you or just buy it off someone else. But however you get your hands on one, please make sure it is packaged before you give it to me.

<Build `1MN Civilian Afterburner`, or acquire one>

Acquire these goods: 1MN Civilian Afterburner

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Do the corvette repackage trick and get a free one!  You can repackage the afterburner to have it be 'new in box' by right clicking on it.  Instantly done.  Takes zero resources, and takes under 20 seconds.  Right click on the blueprint and trash it, it's garbage.>

<Complete Mission for Expanded Cargohold I and isk>

Excellent – looks good. Nice work.

<Request mission>

Making Mountains of Molehills (4 of 10)

Here is a mission suited for someone of your caliber.

Any industrial mogul worth their salt knows how to fight for their bounty.

I'm sending you to mine in an area infested with Rogue Drones. Let's see if you can survive the trip and bring me the processed goods.

<Kill drone, mine 2 loads of veldspar, refine trit, doable in corvette>

<OR Kill drone, then just buy trit for 30k isk>

Destroy the rogue drones and mine the veldspar for your agent. You'll need to reprocess the ore into minerals when you return to the station.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Long way to do this: strip off miners off corvette, put on both guns on the corvette, click button to the left of guns to group guns, the AB, undock.  Do repackage corvette trick above if struggling.  Undock, right click in space, Agent missions, warp to place, kill pirates, loot wrecks.  Dock up again, assemble the venture, board the venture.  Then put on the Miner Is, mining upgrade, and a spare AB, undock, warp to spot, mine.  One trip in the venture should be enough, need 3,500 total amount veldspar to reprocess it, to reach the 7,000 trit.  (100 veldspar == 224 tritanium for my char).  Can reprocess in batches.

Short trick on killing agents: can buy a hobgoblin I (or two!) off market, put in your drone cargo hold, and use that to kill agents as you use double miners on your Venture.

Short way: kill agent, as above, dock up, then buy 7,000 tritanium off market by right clicking tritanium in the mission briefing, go to view market, sort sellers market by lowest price (and Buyers price by highest price), and buy 7,000, costs you around 30k isk so nothing.>

<Complete Mission, get Mining Laser Upgrade I, Miner I, Isk>

Excellent work!  Care for another assignment?

By the way, I have another mission prepared for you already...

<Request mission>

Making Mountains of Molehills (5 of 10)

Sure, I've got something.

You've mined, processed, built and fought. Now let's see if you can transport my goods safely.

Take these electronic parts out to Abagawa IV - Moon 2 - Hyasyoda Corporation Mineral Reserve as fast as possible.  note, this location is different depending on agent and mission 

<Haul thing 7 jumps>

Transport these goods:

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Will be 3-9 jumps away, so 6-18 minutes to do (1 min per jump).  Move stuff from item hanger to cargo hanger (aka put in your ship), set destination, and warp to yellow gate out using the selected items panel.  Try to avoid using autopilot when possible.   Can right click the agent in the agents panel on the far right to set your destination back to him.>

<Complete Mission, get Expanded Cargohold I, 1MN Afterburner I, isk>

Good work. Just give me a moment, would you?

<Request mission>

Making Mountains of Molehills (6 of 10)

Here is a mission suited for someone of your caliber.

Now for some more complicated production. I want you to make me 20 units of Cap Booster 25.
You'll need the minerals Tritanium, Pyerite, and Mexallon which you can easily acquire by reprocessing ore from Scordite and Plagioclase asteroids.

<Build 20 Cap Booster 25s, maybe mine the minerals>

Acquire these goods:

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Before you accept, move to the next door system and warp to an asteroid belt.  There should be some scordite or pyroxeres or some other mineral that gives you the pyerite and mexallon you need.  Put one laser on a scordite on pyroxeres, mine.  You should have the trit already. After you've mined the thing, can build the item.  You need 370 trit, 80 pyerite, 26 mexallon, so 100 units of pyeoxeres and 200 units of veldspar is 'enough'.  Start the build, takes under 9 minutes.  Work on the other industrialist missions in the meantime.  Then open neocom, industry, industry, jobs, and complete the job when the 9 minutes are up.

Short version: buy `20 Cap Booster 25` off market.  7k isk.  Again, this amount of isk is nothing, just buy them.

If you are doing the AIR career Program, you need all 3 things, a full venture load of each, so might as well get it done now.>

<Complete Mission and get isk>

Excellent job!

By the way, I have another mission prepared for you already...

<Request mission>

Making Mountains of Molehills (7 of 10)

I have just the thing you want.

Now that I have those Cap Boosters, we've got a buyer lined up. Remember this: Your work doesn't just involve creating items, but being able to sell them and to deliver the goods on time.

That said, pick up the Cap Boosters from your hangar here posthaste, and bring them to my buyer at Unpas VIII - Moon 11 - Prompt Delivery Storage (varies) . Remember to let me know when you're done.

<Take the cap boosters one jump>

Acquire these goods:

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Drag Cap Booster 25s from your Item Hanger, aka in the station, into your Cargo Hanger, which is inside your ship.  Set destination to where the cap boosters need to go.  In the overview, left click on the yellow gate, and in selected items at the top right, click on jump button.  Then in next system, left click on the yellow station, and in selected items, click on 'dock'.  Start convo, done.  Must be in a single stack.

Right click on agent name on the right to set destation back to home station.>

<Complete Mission and Damage Control I and isk>

It's a pleasure doing business with you.

By the way, I have another mission prepared for you already...

<Request mission>

Making Mountains of Molehills (8 of 10)

Here is a mission suited for someone of your caliber.

Let's try building something more complicated.

A friend of mine needs a fast vessel, so I want you to take this blueprint copy and construct a shuttle for him.

Oh, and don’t bother buying it from the market. This needs to be manufactured by you!

<Build a shuttle>

Acquire these goods:

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Make sure you get the trit first. I recommend just buying the trit instead of mining the veldspar.  You need around 1300 veldspar to get the 2640 trit you need.

After you have the trit ready, you accept the mission, right click on the blueprint, and hit start on build.  Takes under 5 minutes. Can work on the other industry career agent while waiting for it.>

<Complete Mission and isk>

Excellent work, Ship Type. You're learning quickly. Get back to me when you're ready for another assignment.

<Request mission>

Making Mountains of Molehills (9 of 10)

Yes, I have something for you.

Turns out one of my production assistants was a spy for the enemy. He's gone into hiding, so I need you to draw him out.

You'll act as a decoy, mining until enemy forces turn up. Destroy them and bring the spy back to me. You may keep whatever ore you find out there.

Make sure you use a mining laser, so they'll notice you out there.

<Mine to aggro, kill guy>

Acquire these goods: Production Assistant

Fly to the objective location, mine some ore and destroy the pirates that show up.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Fit Corvette with one miner, one civilian gun, one AB. (Or see below on Venture!) Warp to site.  Load a mining overview.  Wait for the NPC to appear.  Kill him.   Grab the Production assistant.  You are done.  Unless you want to make more money and do another task in the AIR Career Program.  Switch to the venture to do that.  If you turn in the mission, the site disappears if anyone is in it.

Note: this has quite a bit of kernite, and the AIR Career Program requires you to mine 4k of it, aka one venture hold of it.  You MIGHT consider doing this in a venture with your hobgoblin doing the killing.  Buying A survey scanner I can speed this up.  Right click in space, go to agent | deadspace to warp to the site, mine the kernite, and use the drone to kill the NPC that appears. Right click to launch the drones, lock up the npc, engage the drones.  After that's done, scoop the body out of the wreck.  Start to mine all the kernite, it's almost 6k of it, worth around 5 mil isk.

Note, you should sell the kernite raw, it sells for more raw than it does compressed due to it's requirement for a mission.  And the only reason I recommend doing this is because the AIR Career Program.>

<Complete Mission and isk>

Ha! Good job! Listen, I've got one last job for you.

<Request mission>

Making Mountains of Molehills (10 of 10)

Something just came up that's right up your alley.

You've done a great job so far, mastering the intricacies of industry - mining, reprocessing, manufacturing, and hauling. All while murdering everyone who stands in your way. You're now ready for your final assignment.

You're going to bring me a full-fledged frigate. I'll give you a blueprint copy with more than enough runs for this task. If you choose to use it, finding the resources is up to you. But time is money, and however you choose to acquire the ship is fine by me.

Good luck!

<Use ore to reprocess and build frigate>

Acquire these goods:

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Make sure to gather the materials before you start.  To start this build, you need 22,800 trit, 4,275 pyer, 1,782 mexallon, 357 isogen.  You can easily complete this by refining (approximately) 600 kernite, 9300 pyroxeres, and 10,000 veldspar .   Or use the 600 kernite you mined earlier, buy the remaining pyerite you are missing.  If you mined the kernite in the previous mission, this is way way easier.>

<Complete Mission and Hauler and isk>

Congratulations, Ship Type! With the successful production of that Bantam you've proven that you have what it takes. I hate to see you go, but you have mastered all the challenges I have for you.

There are plenty of mining agents out there who would be happy to employ someone like you who can get the job done. You can find them in the Agency Mining Agents. Or, if you are interested in broadening your skills into other areas you can start a conversation with any of the other career agents here in station.

Best of luck in the future, my friend. Stick with the Republic and you'll do well.


Industrialist - Entrepreneur

All of these are doable in the corvette if you want.  The mining ones are better done in the venture you're given for free.  The hacking is super easy.

Mission Name

Balancing the Books (1 of 10)


In corvette, move item 1 system.



Balancing the Books (2 of 10)

Kill hostiles, salvage item at a site

Venture, Civilian Salvager Isk

Balancing the Books (3 of 10)

Warp to site, mine, turn in trit

Miner I, Reprocessing Skillbook, Isk

Balancing the Books (4 of 10)

Kill NPC, Use data analyzer on can

Civilian Data Analzyer, Isk

Balancing the Books (5 of 10)

Take chip 9 jumps

Inertial Stabilizer I, Expanded Cargohold I, Isk

Balancing the Books (6 of 10)

Buy Armor Repair module off market

Broker Relations Skillbook, Nanofiber Internal Structure I, Isk

Balancing the Books (7 of 10)

Kill 2 sets of NPCs, Hack can, return.

Civilian Relic Analyzer, 1mn Afterburner, Isk

Balancing the Books (8 of 10)

Transport chip one jump

Limited Social Implant, Isk

Balancing the Books (9 of 10)

Give 2 1MN Afterburner Is.


Balancing the Books (10 of 10)

Build small gun

Extra Small gun BPC, Hauler, Isk

Balancing the Books (1 of 10)

Something just came up that's right up your alley.

I need someone to safely transport these Data Sheets. They contain various files that relate to matters of national security — not something we can entrust to anyone less than a capsuleer. 

Once you have delivered them, contact me and let me know you've completed the mission. I'll have something else ready for you by the time you get back.

Don't forget to put the Data Sheets in your cargohold before you set off!

<Take Data sheets one jump>

Transport these goods:

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Drag Data sheets from your Item Hanger, aka in the station, into your Cargo Hanger, which is inside your ship.  Set destination to where the data sheets need to go.  In the overview, left click on the yellow gate, and in selected items at the top right, click on jump button.  Then in next system, left click on the yellow station, and in selected items, click on 'dock'.  Start convo, done.

Right click on agent name on the right to set destation back to home station.>

<Complete Mission and get isk>

Well done, Ship Type. Let me know when you're ready to begin your next assignment. I've found a job you could profit and learn from at the same time.

<Request mission>

Balancing the Books (2 of 10)

I have just the thing you want.

A transport ship carrying sensitive cargo has been destroyed by pirates in the area. I'm giving you a Civilian Salvager module so you can go in, use it on the ship's wreckage, and extract anything of use from their databanks. Once you have that Black Box, return it to me. 

Also, there may be some hostiles still lingering around too, so be ready for combat, Ship Type. If you're successful, I may reward you with a brand new mining frigate.

<Kill pirates, salvage wreck>

Acquire these goods:

Go out there, find whatever remains of the ship and use the salvaging module I gave you to retrieve the black box. Of course, if you find any Gurista pirates hanging around ... kill them.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Board your corvette.  Fit one civilian gun, and the salvager he gives you, include the afterburner you get for free through the corvette repackage.  Can put in hobgoblin I too. Have to burn a few systems, as you did before.  When you arrive, warp to the site.  This is inside deadspace, so take the acceleration gate.  Use the overview to left click on the enemy, orbit the Guristas Rookie, lock them up, shoot them.  Learn the keyboard shortcuts by hovering over them in selected items.  Double click on the wreck to approach and open it.  Then use the Civilian Salvager to salvage the Civilian Transport Ship Wreck to get the black box.  You can salvage the other wreck to maybe get a metal scrap, worth almost nothing.>

<Complete Mission and get isk>

Fantastic work, Ship Type. With this in our possession, we can build a clearer picture of the Guristas attack. Here is your Venture, as promised.

<Request mission>

Balancing the Books (3 of 10)

I have just the thing you want.

For a career in business, you will need a basic understanding of crucial industrial processes such as mining ore and reprocessing it (along with a myriad of other materials) into its component minerals.

I want you to get onboard your new Venture, fit it with a mining laser and a turret weapon - the former for the asteroids, the latter for any pirates that might attack you - and head out to a certain set of coordinates, where you'll mine ore from Veldspar asteroids.

Once you get back, refine the Veldspar ore into Tritanium. If you had to deal with any pirates, you can also refine any modules you retrieved from their wrecks - though be aware that the reprocessing of ships and modules usually carries a hefty waste penalty.

<Warp to site, mine, turn in trit>

Acquire these goods:

Mine the ore and, from it, reprocess 333 units of tritanium for your agent.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Board your corvette or venture with a miner.  Undock.  Warp to spot.  Mine a bit of veldspar. Turn off miner to have it verify you mined. Return. Refine 200 veldspar.  Note, the reprocessing skill isn't that worthwhile other than injecting in your head.>

<Complete Mission and get reprocessing skill book and isk>

Excellent work, Ship Type, you're a quick learner. I'm going to have that Tritanium you brought made into something useful, but I'll have a new job for you right away.

<Request mission>

Balancing the Books (4 of 10)

Here is a mission suited for someone of your caliber.

The Black Box you retrieved indicates that the Guristas have built a surveillance facility nearby, using it to launch attacks on convoys from the State War Academy. 

You need to take out the outpost and any vessels defending it. Once the area is clear, use the Civilian Data Analyzer I'm giving you to hack the data storage device in the area. Bring back whatever it contains.

<Kill NPCs, gather chip>

Acquire these goods:

The Gurista Pirates have put up a listening post nearby, where they intercept shipping information and use it to attack our vessels. I want you to go there to destroy the post and any Gurista Pirate ships you see. I also want you to use your Data Analyzer and hack open the Data Storage Device for me to retrieve the Encoded Data Chip.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Board your corvette.  Fit the dual civilian guns doing the corvetter repackage method.  Put on an AB and the data analzyer they give you.  Click button to the left of the guns to group them.  Undock, warp to site.  Enter acceleration gate.  Orbit Guristas Rookie at 500m, lock him up, shoot him.  After dead, approach the Guristas data storage, stop your ship, lock it up, use the data analzyer it.  The game is minesweeper and move across the field till you find the end and defeat it.  After it is defeated, click 'open cargo' and you can pull out the `encoded data chip`.  Dock up to turn in. >

<Complete Mission and get civilian data analyzer and isk>

Amazing work, Ship Type. With the destruction of that outpost we now have time to go over the evidence and prepare for any upcoming attacks.

<Request mission>

Balancing the Books (5 of 10)

Here is a mission suited for someone of your caliber.

The Guristas have heavily encoded all of their tactical information. Our best hope at decryption is a friend of mine over in Uoyonen IX - Perkone Warehouse (varies), so I want you to safely ferry it to her.

I'd be happy to offer you some Inertial Stabilizers for the journey. This module improves your ship's handling and maneuverability, helping you align to warp faster.

<Burn 9 jumps, turn in chip>

Acquire these goods:

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Board your corvette. Drag the chip inside it.  Fit the inertial stabalizer they gave you. Burn 9 jumps.  Turn in.  Right click agent to set destintation back to home.>

<Complete Mission and get Inertial Stabilizer, Expanded Cargohold I, and isk>

Amazing work, Ship Type. With the destruction of that outpost we now have time to go over the evidence and prepare for any upcoming attacks.

<Request mission>

Balancing the Books (6 of 10)

Here is a mission suited for someone of your caliber.

The security forces guarding the pirates' next target aren't operating at full capacity, and have a shortage of Armor Repairer modules. I need you to procure one for them before the next attack, and I don't care where from. Let's see how good your business acumen is, Ship Type.

<Buy Civilian Armor Repairer>

Acquire these goods:

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Buy a Civilian Armor Repairer off the market. Sort by lowest price on Sellers, Buyers set to highest price.  Buy the lowest price closest to you.  It will be in the same Station by default.  Buy one.>

<Complete Mission and get Broker Relations skillbook, Nanofiber Internal Structure I, and isk>

Excellent work, Ship Type. Your contribution will inspire others to aid us, I'm sure.

<Request mission>

Balancing the Books (7 of 10)

Yes, I have something for you.

We've discovered an ancient site that the pirates are using as some kind of staging outpost. We cannot let them continue to gain any kind of foothold in this area. You need to kill them.

Since we're businessmen, mind you, I suggest you also fit a Civilian Relic Analyzer to your ship. Once you have cleared the mission area of hostiles, you can use the Analyzer to inspect any ancient ships or ruins in the area.

<Kill the NPCs, use the relic analyzer, loot it>

Acquire these goods:

Our Empire scouts have found an ancient site that at first glance appears it might be of use to us. I want you to go there with your analyzing equipment and find out what it holds. There'll be Gurista Pirate ships there but I'm sure you should have no problems dealing with them. Whatever you find after your analysis, bring it back to me.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Fit up your corvette with two civilian guns, the AB, and the relic analzyer they gave you. warp to the site.  Take the acceleration gate. Kill the NPCs by the usual method (orbit, turn on ab, lock, shoot guns).  Take the second acceleration gate.  Kill these NPCs. Approach the Ancient Ship Structure. Lock it up.  Activate the hacking module.  Hack the module by moving to the other end of the minesweeper challenge. Loot what's inside and drag it to your cargo hanger.  Dock up, turn in.>

<Complete Mission and get Civilian Relic Analyzer, 1MN Afterburner, and isk>

Impressive work, Ship Type! I'll pass the analyses on to my superiors immediately. Thank you once again.

<Request mission>

Balancing the Books (8 of 10)

Here is a mission suited for someone of your caliber.

I've compiled all the information you have gathered so far from the various pirate facilities. It's my belief that with everything going on, we might be able to get more military funding out in these areas. This Central Data Core will provide all the evidence we need to argue for it.

Please take it to Unpas VI - Moon 10 - Core Complexion Inc. Storage (varies) for me. I have a friend there who can pass it on to the right people. Can we count on you to make this delivery?

<Take thing one jump, turn in>

Transport these goods:

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Drag the Central Data Core to your cargo hanger from the item hanger.  Undock, burn the one jump.  Talk to agent to turn in.  Right click agent to set destination back.>

<Complete Mission and get Limited Social Implant, and isk>

Excellent work, Ship Type. I've been informed that the evidence is already making its way up the chain of command. Good news indeed.

<Request mission>

Balancing the Books (9 of 10)

For you, my friend, there's always something.

There is one other thing our security forces need before they are fully prepared for the coming battle with these insufferable pirates..

Our forces are suffering a shortage of afterburners for their frigate contingents, and the resulting lack of speed is costing them dearly. I need two 1MN Afterburner I modules from you - buy them, build them, or loot them from the cooling wreckage of other ships. I won't ask questions.

<Turn in 2 1MN Afterburner I's>

Acquire these goods:

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<You were given two 1MN Afterburner I's so far, you could repackage these and turn in.  To repackage, move item to your item hanger, right click, repackage.  Otherwise, buy them off the market.>

<Complete Mission and Expanded Cargohold I, Mass Production, and isk>

Thank you, Ship Type! There was already mounting pressure on our financiers to delegate us more resources, but this will surely guarantee that we get what we need. <p>I have one last favor I would ask of you before our time together is over; let me know when you want to take it on.

<Request mission>

Balancing the Books (10 of 10)

Sure, I've got something.

Your final test as a business mogul is also your opportunity to feed the war machine. You've provided us with utility modules; now it's the basic building blocks of violence: Weapons.

I'm giving you a blueprint copy with which you can fulfil my quota. Any remaining production runs are yours, as is this Industrial-class ship I'm going to reward you with.

Are you ready to pass your final test, Ship Type?

<Build and turn in a small gun>

Acquire these goods:

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Can build the small guns with the BPC you were given, or buy them off market.>

<Complete Mission and small gun blueprint, Hauler, isk>

Well done, Ship Type. Here is your Badger, as promised; use it well. You've completed all my tasks and shown yourself to be a savvy entrepreneur. There is an entire cluster filled with opportunities for someone like you.

To find other agents you can just check the Agency, Distribution Agents might be of interest to you. Or if you want to broaden your skill set you can reach out to the other Career Agents here in this station.

Whichever future business endeavors you decide to pursue, good luck!



First couple doable in the heron, which is freely given to you.  First one is fine in the corvette.

Mission Name

Cosmic Anomalies (1 of 5)


Warp to site, loot cans, use gates, return


Exploration ship, Exploration gear, isk

Cosmic Anomalies (2 of 5)

In exploration frigate, burn through sites.


Cosmic Anomalies (3 of 5)

Use Exploration frigate to probe data site, hack it


Cosmic Anomalies (4 of 5)

Use Exploration frigate to probe relic site, hack it


Cosmic Anomalies (5 of 5)

Use Exploration frigate to probe gas site, Loot it

Logistics ship, Isk

Cosmic Anomalies (1 of 5)

I have just the thing you want.

Welcome, Ship Type. Let's see if we can make an explorer out of you.

Once you've undocked into space, open your Probe Scanner and select the Warp To button for a location named "Anomaly Training Site". This is a Cosmic Anomaly, which means it'll be easy to find.

Warp to it and I'll give you further instructions once you've made it there. Don't worry about combat this time around - we've cleared out the area for you.

<Warp to anomaly and take stuff>

Acquire these goods:

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Undock.  Hit Alt-P to open the Probe Scan window.  Note, you want to adjust the probe window a couple ways.  First, stop the probe window from being full screen by double clicking on it.  You can click the [] looking button in the upper right corner to split it into two parts, the map and the probing window.  By splitting it, you end up with a small solar system icon on the probing window to open that map.

After you've cleaned up the probe window to make it easier to handle, warp to the 'Anomaly training site'.  It says it's a 'combat site', which would normally involve fighting, but the mission NPC said he cleaned it out.  In it, you'll see a can, burn (move best possible speed) to the can with your AB (afterburner) on.  Open the cargo can, drag the item Proof of Discovery: Anomalies into your ship >

<Complete Mission and get isk>

Excellent work, Ship Type. Finding anomalies will seem easy to you after a while, but those first few steps into exploration can sometimes be overwhelming all the same. Just keep it up and I'm sure you'll do fine.

Next up I want to run you through a training area that will teach you about another type of exploration site. When you're ready for that, let me know.

<Request mission>

Cosmic Anomalies (2 of 5)

Here is a mission suited for someone of your caliber.

Your Probe Scanner easily tracks Cosmic Anomalies. Other types of sites, collectively called Cosmic Signatures, will be much harder to find, and you'll usually need to boost your scanner by using scan probes.

These Cosmic Signature sites contain various kinds of treasures: ancient ruins to sift amongst, secret data facilities to hack into, exotic gases to collect - there is a great deal out there for an explorer to uncover, and you need to understand how to react to each type of site.

Therefore, before we send you off to do complicated scans and potentially risk your ship in the ensuing discovery process, I'm sending you to a training facility where you'll encounter safe examples of what you might find out there. Use the ship I'm giving you, follow the instructions you're given on-site, and report to me after you're done.

<Loot the stuff, burn through the acceleration gates, READ>

Follow the instructions from your agent and progress to the end of the Cosmic Signature training course.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Warp to site, pop up happens>

Greetings pilot, and good work finding your way here. My name is Rulie Isoryn, and I work with the Sisters of Eve as an advisor for capsuleers in training. Although I'll be offering you advice as you go along, don't forget that you need to report back to your own agent.

You've just arrived in the staging pocket of our training facility. Ahead of you is an acceleration gate. These powerful structures are able to fling your ship thousands of kilometers forward and deeper inside.

In order to operate them, you must be within 2,500 m and then activate the gate. Head on through to the next pocket by using it.

<Approach and activate the gate by selecting it, then going to selected items and hitting jump.>

That's it, good work. You'll find Acceleration Gates like these in many sites you uncover. They will connect you to other pockets, often taking you deeper within a complex.

You're now inside a Supply Area. Before we show you the different types of sites, we'll provide you with the equipment you would normally need to find them. Over in the distance there is a Cargo Rig named “Exploration Supplies”. Inside it you will find two pieces of equipment: A Core Probe Launcher and eight Core Scanner Probes. Take them both.

<Approach and open the `Exploration Supplies` crate, drag the items into your cargo hold.

Core Scanner Probe I 8

Civilian Data Analyzer 1

Civilian Relic Analyzer 1

Core Probe Launcher I 1>

Although the Sensor Overlay can find Cosmic Anomalies, it cannot get a good reading on Cosmic Signatures. Signatures are an entirely different class of hidden site. To be able to warp to them, you need to use scan probes. Scan Probes are deployed much like firing a missile; by fitting a Scan Probe Launcher, loading the Scan Probes, and then firing them into space.

Think of Scan Probes as little ships. They have built-in scanners just like yours, except these ones can reach out to 32 AU. You launch multiple probes at a time in a formation to maximize scan efficiency. They are even equipped with warp drives, so you can position them around a solar system without actually having to move yourself.

As you might imagine, using probes allows you to cover a much larger area of space in a faster time.

You will also find a couple of civilian modules in the supply crate - Civilian Data Analyzer and Civilian Relic Analyzer. You will need these modules in later missions when you learn about some of the things you can do in the sites you find. You should fit them to your ship at the same time you fit the probe launcher.

Take the probes and launcher, as well as the civilian analyzer modules, and head into the third pocket. This area will show you what a Data Cosmic Signature Site might look like.

<Then approach the acceleration gate and jump>

You're now inside what a Data site might look like. Data signatures are found when your scanner detects an area with unnaturally high electronic interference. Electrical activity is a telltale sign of communications facilities, data storage hubs and other similar areas.

An enterprising capsuleer like yourself can train in the art of hacking, and bypass the security systems at these complexes to get at the valuable items and data hidden away underneath. There are many scientific and technological resources that can only be found this way, such as unique blueprints and decryptors. In order to infiltrate these systems, a capsuleer needs to train to use Data Analyzer modules.

When you are ready, head through to the next pocket, which demonstrates how a Relic site might look.

<Then approach the acceleration gate and jump>

Scan probes can also find Relic Signatures. These special signatures are found when your scanner probes detect an area with man-made structures but little to no electronic activity or heat signatures. Typically, these sites represent ruins or abandoned areas.

You're not just a starship captain. With the right training, capsuleers like you can become archaeologists too. You have the ability to retrieve valuable items from ancient ruins in space without ever leaving your ship. To recover items in this way, you will need to train to use the Relic Analyzer module. This advanced piece of equipment allows a pilot to quickly sift through ruins and recover anything of value.

When you're ready to continue, use the gate to move to the final pocket, a Gas site.

<Then approach the acceleration gate and jump>

This area represents what a Gas site might look like. Gas signatures are found when your scanner detects an area where gas clouds have collected into harvestable clusters. I should perhaps point out at this point that the clouds found in these areas are used to make drugs known as boosters. Not all of them are illegal, of course, but the entire booster industry is quite shady.

The type of booster you can make is determined by the type of cloud you find. There are two broad types of cloud to find; Mykoserocin and Cytoserocin. Of those two cloud types, there are eight individual “flavors” to find. I won't confuse you with too many details right now. All you need to remember is that Gas sites have gas clouds and those clouds can provide the raw materials to make boosters. In order to extract the material from a cloud, a capsuleer needs to train to use Gas Cloud Harvesters.

This is the last area. You've made it through the training complex. Hopefully from all of this, you've learned a few things. You should report back to your agent.

<Dock up!>

<Complete Mission and get isk>

Excellent work, Ship Type. Hopefully after all that, you've developed a basic understanding of the different types of Cosmic Signatures you can find out there. Next up, we'll look again more closely at each signature type. Let me know when you're ready for that.

<Request mission>

Cosmic Anomalies (3 of 5) - Data Site Scanning

I have just the thing you want.

Next, you will need to scan down each type of Cosmic Signature. To do this you will need your <a href="helpPointer:unique_UI_probeScanner">Probe Scanner</a> loaded with Core Scanner Probes.

First up is a Data site, which means you will your Civilian Data Analyzer fitted.  Scan down the site with your Scanner Probes, hack into the container located there with your Data Analyzer, then bring its contents back to me.

Please note; while this training mission is perfectly safe, failed hacking attempts in other sites may cause the container to self-destruct and possibly damage your ship.

To learn more about how to use your Probe Scanner, visit the Help Section in the Agency, select Explorer and watch the Scanning Basics video.

<Probe down site, hack, loot stuff>

Acquire these goods:

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<This is a site that many new players struggle with. This is the basics of probing.  You can see more detailed videos in the Agency | Help Section | Exploration.

First, repackage your corvette, this will return all the items to your item hanger. Board your exploration frigate, look at show info | Traits to see which one it is.  Fit the exploration ship with: the Core Probe Launcher, Civilian Data and Relic Analyzers, the Civilian or 1MN Afterburner.  Make sure the core probes are in your ship's cargo hold, or, drag them to the center of your ship to load them into the launcher.  Otherwise, undock, and  load them by right clicking on the launcher.

Open up the probe window again, alt-p.  Open up the probe window map by clicking the solar system looking icon.  Launch your probes.  If you did this right, they will appear on the mini map.  Leave them centered in the middle, should find a site.   Hit 'Analyze' on the probe launcher.  You can then warp to the new site that pops up of `Data Training Site`, which is findable at 4 AU probing.>

Good to see you're still sticking with it, pilot. You're doing well, keep it up.

You're now inside the Data site training area. Ahead of you, you should see a training container. You will need to use your Civilian Data Analyzer to access it, breaking down its defenses to get to the core and unlock it. Inside, you will find the “Proof of Discovery” document that you need to provide as proof for finding this area.

Normally, you could expect to find all kinds of useful resources inside a Hacking container. All of it relates to a process known as invention – a research method used to produce advanced equipment and vessels, known as the “Tech II” category. Tech II variants of modules and ships are often far more powerful, and many Tech II ships possess unique abilities. The Skillbooks you would need to train in order to invent can be found in these sites, as can the materials required to begin research. For inventors, Data sites are particularly valuable.

<Approach the `Training Container - Data` can.  Lock it up (Control and click on it on the overview!).   Use your Civilian Data Analyzer on it.  Your goal is to do reverse minesweeper.  The end is usually on the far side of the map.  When you are '2' away, that means the end or something beneficial is 2 away.   You want to get to zero on a very specific node that is colored green (easy), yellow (harder), red (hardest).   This will allow you to open the can after you hack it.  There is also a rule of six that I explain in more detail in my Exploration guide.

After you've opened the can, drag it into your cargo hold.  Dock up, and complete.

It is recommended you destroy the civilian data analyzer, you cannot use it anywhere else.>

<Complete Mission and get isk>

Excellent work!  Care for another assignment?

By the way, I have another mission prepared for you already...

<Request mission>

Cosmic Anomalies (4 of 5) - Relic Site Scanning

Something just came up that's right up your alley.

Next you need to use your Core Scanner Probes to find a Relic site. You'll need a Relic Analyzer to hack open what you'll find there and bring it back to me.

In general, Relic site loot is very useful for producing ship rigs - special enhancements permanently fitted to individual ships. Again, keep in mind that while this training site is perfectly safe, failed hacking attempts in other sites may cost you the container and lead to ship damage.

<Probe down site, hack, loot stuff>

Acquire these goods:

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<This is the same as the previous mission but with the relic analyzer.  Again, you load the probe launcher, control-r works well to do this quickly.  You open the the probe launcher window, click launch, analyze, and you don't have to do much to find one of these.  If you don't see anything, use the solar system map to move the probes over top of one of the unknown `cosmic signatures`.  If you don't hit 100%, you can use the alt-scroll wheel to shrink the size, and just recenter it to be in the middle.  You can double click on the map to rezoom the map to be straight down or to the side.  Once you find a `Relic Training Site`, you warp to it on the Probe Scanner window.>

Welcome back, pilot.

You're now inside the Relic site training area. Ahead of you, you should see a training container. You will need to use your Civilian Relic Analyzer to access its contents. As you approach the containers, I will offer you further information on what you would normally find.

You need to recover the “Proof of Discovery” document to complete the mission.

<Again, you approach the can called `Training Container - Relic`, hold down control, click on the can on your overview.  You activate your relic analyzer on it.  Again, as you get to `1`s, you click on the nodes next to 1s, as the end could be there.  If you get a beneficial module, use it right away.>

This is the Relic container. In order to access the contents, you need to use the Civilian Relic Analyzer.

Normally, you could expect to find all kinds of useful resources inside. Most of the resources discovered when analyzing relate to the production of special equipment known as rigs. The Skillbooks you would need to train in order to produce rigs can be found in these sites, as can the materials and blueprints actually required to make the physical product. For rig producers, Relic sites are particularly valuable.

<Now that the can is hacked, open it up.  Drag the `Proof of Discovery: Relic` into your ship cargo hold. Dock up, turn in.

It is recommended you destroy the civilian relic analyzer, you cannot use it anywhere else.>

<Complete Mission and get isk>

Thanks, I really appreciate your help.

By the way, I have another mission prepared for you already...

<Request mission>

Cosmic Anomalies (5 of 5)

I have just the thing you want.

Your last assignment is to scan down a Gas cloud. We've created an artificial cloud pocket for you, and while you'd usually reap it with a Gas Cloud Harvester, our only concern is that you make it through to the second area and bring back the Proof of Discovery document. 

The materials found inside these clouds are used to make biochemical enhancers known as boosters. It is a dangerous industry, populated by dangerous people. You're safe this time, but Gas clouds will occasionally be inhabited by pirates. Stay alert if you're on the prowl for them. 

As soon as you accept the mission, we'll provide you with the passkey into the second area.

<Probe down site, loot stuff>

Acquire these goods:

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<After you accept, drag the `Gas Passkey` into your ship cargo hold from your item hanger. Undock, reload the probes.  Relaunch, probe the unknown sites till you hit a gas site.  Warp inside the acceleration gate.>

Excellent work. Now don't forget to recover the Proof of Discovery: Gas documents from the container. They will prove you made it out here.

If someone else has already made it to this site before you then there may not be a document immediately available. If you find the container empty, wait a few seconds and a new one will be produced.

<Approach the can, and drag the `Proof of Discovery: Gas` into your ship cargo hold. Dock up, turn in.>

<Complete Mission and get Logistics Frigate and isk>

Excellent work, Ship Type.

With the lessons learned here, New Eden is yours to explore. There are anomalies and signatures across the cluster just waiting to be discovered, just check out the Exploration section in the Agency to see what's out there.

Alternatively, if you want to try out other career paths before you venture forth you can start a conversation with any of the other Career Agents in this station.



First couple doable in the corvette, rest given to you for free by the career agents as rewards, or via the AIR Career Program.

Mission Name

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (1 of 10)


Fit double guns on corvette, warp, kill


small weapon + ammo + isk

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (2 of 10)

In Corvette, kill pirates, return civilians

combat frigate + isk

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (3 of 10)

In combat frigate, warp and kill npcs.

small guns + isk

Cash Flow for Capsuleeers (4 of 10)

Warp to site and double click to gate

AB + isk

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (5 of 10)

In combat frigate, warp and kill npcs

Hardener + isk

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (6 of 10)

Warp to site, kill NPCs

perception implant + isk

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (7 of 10)

Warp and kill npcs

Booster/Repairer + isk

Cash Flow for Capsuleeers (8 of 10)

warp to site, burn to structure.

2x overdrive system I + isk

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (9 of 10)

Warp to site and kill warehouse

stasis webifier + isk

Cash Flow for Capsuleeers (10 of 10)

Kill NPCs, kill pod

Combat frigate + isk

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (1 of 10)

Something just came up that's right up your alley.

Gurista thugs are harassing miners in a nearby asteroid belt. Let's clean up the area.

Make sure to keep your target within your weapon's range, and try not to give them a stationary target.

<Warp to site, shoot npcs>

Clear the pirates from the asteroid belt, as your agent has requested on behalf of a group of miners.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<First, setup your corvette for success.  Leave your corvette and right click on it, and repackage it.  Then reboard it on the right hand side.  This will give you 2 civilian guns.   Fit BOTH the civilian guns to the corvette, removing the mining laser.  Make sure you have an afterburner, and fill in other modules with useful stuff.  There is a button to the left of your guns that groups your guns, make sure to do that.  put a hobgoblin in your drone bay if you have room.

After your corvette is configured, accept the mission.   Then it follows a VERY traditional NPC kill mission:



Orbit hostile using W key. (Hold down W, click on rat)

Start your afterburner

Lock up hostile with Control key when in range. (same method)

Hit F1 to have guns fire when in range, hover over the guns to see range of optimal + falloff, mine was 13km.

Repeat through the waves till you win.  pull your drones, reload guns if you have ammo in them.  Loot the wrecks.>

<Complete Mission and get small gun, ammo, and isk>

Excellent work, Ship Type. I'll have the miners return to work. See me when you're ready for your next assignment.

<Request mission>

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (2 of 10)

I have just the thing you want.

The miners are happy, but now the station owners are not. A Guristas pirate has stolen some sensitive documents from them, and I'm tasked with quietly resolving the matter. I'm entrusting you with this. Get those documents back for me.

<Warp to site, shoot npcs.>

Acquire these goods: 5 Civilians

Eliminate the pirates and rescue the civilian miner they are holding as a captive. The civilian will be transferred into your cargo hold once you have destroyed the pirates.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Read above how to setup corvette, and repeat steps, which I'll repeat here again.

After your corvette is configured, accept the mission.   Then it follows a VERY traditional NPC kill mission:



Orbit hostile using W key. (Hold down W, click on rat)

Start your afterburner

Lock up hostile with Control key when in range. (same method)

Hit F1 to have guns fire when in range, hover over the guns to see range of optimal + falloff, mine was 13km.

Repeat through the waves till you win.  pull your drones, reload guns if you have ammo in them.  Loot the wrecks.

This has one extra step, it puts civilians into your cargo hold>

<Complete Mission and get combat frigate, and isk>

Good work. The miner's family will be pleased. I'll notify them immediately.

<Request mission>

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (3 of 10)

I have just the thing you want.

The Guristas have kidnapped one of the miners and are demanding a hostage swap. They want the one responsible for their comrades' deaths, and apparently they have no idea you are a trained capsuleer! Go teach them a permanent lesson.

<Fit the combat frigate, warp to site, shoot npcs, get loot>

Acquire these goods: 1 secret documents

Destroy the Runner Drone to recieve the secret documents and report back to your agent.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<We are leaving the corvette and repackaging it to move everything over to the combat frigate.  Accept the mission, and you'll get extra guns for your combat frigate too.  Assemble the combat frigate you were given, and then board it, and then repackage your corvette.

Your new ship will have 3 turret slots.  You want to find the new guns, usually with a number, not civilian.  You drag these to the center of the ship to fit it.  You then stack them by clicking the button on the left of the guns.   You then drag ammo to the center of the ship to load the guns.  This will be the ammo you received already.  You can also right click and show info and look at the 'Used With' tab to see what ammo they use. I recommend a low range, high damage ammo like antimatter, EMP, or Multifrequency.  Drag the rest of the ammo into your cargo hold, which is at the top left of your inventory screen.  This will allow you to reload.

Finish fitting up your combat frigate with an afterburner, maybe a nanofiber or a shield booster, whatever you have lying around.  Again, drag to the center of the ship to easily fit it.

Then it follows a VERY traditional NPC kill mission:



Orbit hostile using W key. (Hold down W, click on rat)

Start your afterburner

Lock up hostile with Control key when in range. (same method)

Hit F1 to have guns fire when in range, hover over the guns to see range of optimal + falloff, mine was 13km.

Repeat through the waves till you win.  Don't have to kill Tahamar.  Pull your drones, reload guns if you have ammo in them.  Loot the wrecks.

This has one extra step, it puts Secret documents into your cargo hold>

<Complete Mission and get isk>

I read your ship's encounter analysis as you were docking - not your fault someone escaped, soldier. I'll fill you in shortly.

<Request mission>

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (4 of 10)

Here is a mission suited for someone of your caliber.

I suspect we'll get a chance before long to hunt down this pirate who escaped.

Meanwhile, I've located an illegal stargate hidden by the interference from a large deadspace field, and I want you to scout the area.

<Fit the combat frigate, warp to site, double click near gate, dock>

Warp to the deadspace area.  Find the stargate and approach it.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Using the same combat frigate, you just undock.

Warp to the site

Read the aura mission.

Double click towards the gate.

Turn on your after burner.

Done, dock and you're good. Turn off your AB while going into warp to get into warp faster.>

<Complete Mission and get Afterburner (AB) and isk>

Sorry about the cloud damage to your ship. You might try fitting that afterburner I gave you. They're very useful when you need to get out of a dangerous area quickly.

<Request mission>

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (5 of 10)

For you, my friend, there's always something.

After you left the area, our cleanup crew found a message from that pirate, "Tahamar". He wants to meet you in person, with no backup, at a small repair outpost in this system. Be careful - you don't have to kill the man, but he's assassinated people I've known, so his death wouldn't be any great loss.

I'll provide you with a Civilian Kinetic Shield Hardener. It will improve your shield resistance against Kinetic Damage, which is what Guristas missiles primarily dish out.

<Fit the combat frigate, warp to site, kill NPCS>

Meet up with the pirate at the repair outpost.  Follow his instructions and then report back to your agent.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Accept the mission.  Using the same combat frigate, unfit the civilian Afterburner (AB) and fit the 1MN AB you were given in the previous mission. Also fit the Civilian Hardener you were given.

Warp to the site.  Activate your hardener as you warp in.

Orbit hostile using W key. (Hold down W, click on rat)

Start your afterburner

Read the guide giving you suggestions.

Lock up hostile with Control key when in range. (same method)

Hit F1 to have guns fire when in range, hover over the guns to see range of optimal + falloff, mine was 13km.

Repeat through the waves till you win.  Don't have to kill Tahamar.  Pull your drones, reload guns if you have ammo in them.  Loot the wrecks.

Done, dock and you're good. Turn off your AB while going into warp to get into warp faster.>

<Complete Mission and get isk>

I cannot believe the nerve of that criminal! Alright, this has gone on too long.

<Request mission>

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (6 of 10)

Sure, I've got something.

We managed to track Tahamar to a small pirate outpost in this system. It's time to finish this. Destroy the outpost, and hopefully Tahamar will perish along with it.

<Fit the combat frigate, warp to site, take acceleration gates, kill NPCS>

Destroy Tahamar's Outpost.  You will find it in the final room of the complex.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Accept the mission.  Using the same combat frigate, undock.

Warp to the site.  Activate your hardener as you warp in.

This is in 'deadspace' and you will see an acceleration gate when you land.  Approach the gate, left click on it, and 'activate gate' to take it.

Orbit hostile using W key. (Hold down W, click on rat)

Start your afterburner

Lock up hostile with Control key when in range. (same method)

Hit F1 to have guns fire when in range, hover over the guns to see range of optimal + falloff, mine was 13km.

If you are going too fast to track them, control-space to stop your ship and you will do max damage. but take extra damage too.

Repeat through the waves till you win.  Don't have to kill Tahamar.  Pull your drones, reload guns if you have ammo in them.  Loot the wrecks.

Head to the next acceleration gate.  Repeat taking it.

Lock up Talimar's outpost and orbit it, shoot it.  It will spawn two sentry guns and two frigates.  Can just kill the outpost and ignore the rest.  You are unlikely to get through shields while you do this.

Done, dock and you're good. Turn off your AB while going into warp to get into warp faster.>

<Complete Mission and get a limited ocular Filter (aka Perception implant) and isk.  Can put in the implant.>

You show great promise, my friend. Well done.

<Request mission>

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (7 of 10)

Something just came up that's right up your alley.

After Tahamar escaped your attack, he retaliated by commandeering a State Navy ship, manning it with his own crew, and starting a campaign of terror in the constellation. I want you to head out there and kill them all.

Moreover, I can provide you with a Small Shield Booster I if you're willing to take this on. It should help you against any damage thrown your way by Tahamar and his allies' ships.

<Fit the combat frigate, warp to site, kill NPCS>

Destroy the pirates at the convoy ambush site.  If you get low on hit-points, simply warp out and regenerate, then warp back in.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Accept the mission.  Using the same frigate, you fit on the shield booster or armor repairer. You only run it when you can fully repair based on using it. It uses a mid or low slot depending on which you got.  DO NOT run it constantly.

READ the description carefully, they want you to warp out if you get low.

Warp to the site.  Activate your hardener as you warp in.

Orbit hostile using W key. (Hold down W, click on rat)

Start your afterburner

Lock up hostile with Control key when in range. (same method)

Hit F1 to have guns fire when in range, hover over the guns to see range of optimal + falloff, mine was 13km.

When you shoot the first, it will spawn more.  It will continue to spawn waves.

If you are going too fast to track them, control-space to stop your ship and you will do max damage. but take extra damage too.

Repeat through the waves till you win. Pull your drones, reload guns if you have ammo in them.  Loot the wrecks.

Done, dock and you're good. Turn off your AB while going into warp to get into warp faster.>

<Complete Mission and get isk.>

He escaped again, eh? Well, fine work against his compatriots, at any rate.

<Request mission>

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (8 of 10)

Here is a mission suited for someone of your caliber.

Some envoys have asked for safe passage. They're afraid of Tahamar, and they want a good pilot to pick them up and deliver them safely. You're it.

<Fit the combat frigate, warp to site, approach hotel, dock>

Fly to the hotel your agent mentioned, and retrieve the VIPs.  If something is amiss, then report back to your agent with the details.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Accept the mission.  Using the same frigate, can fit the overdrive injector system I you are given, if you want.

Undock, warp, approach the structure.

You will take some damage, some NPCs will spawn, can skip shooting them.

Done, dock up>

<Complete Mission and get isk.>

You found only corpses?! Oh, this will not sit well with their employers, not at all. Damn!

<Request mission>

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (9 of 10)

Something just came up that's right up your alley.

We've come across a narcotics ring that we suspect is helping fund Tahamar's operations.

Make your way to their warehouse and destroy it, Ship Type. Be ready for a fight, too.

<Fit the combat frigate, warp to site, kill the warehouse>

Destroy the narcotics warehouse and report back to your agent.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Accept the mission.  Using the same frigate, undock, warp.

Kill NPCs, take acceleration gate. gate will be locked often with NPCS outside of it

Kill NPCs. Kill the follow up waves.  After they are all dead, kill warehouse.

Done, dock up>

<Complete Mission and get isk.>

Excellent work! Those criminals were funding all sorts of illegal activities.

<Request mission>

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (10 of 10)

I have just the thing you want.

We've got him this time. Follow these coordinates to catch Tahamar once and for all. Note that he'll be heavily guarded by his cohorts.

If your shields and armor are depleted and you're close to taking hull damage, warp out immediately. You can either dock at a nearby station and pay its repair shop to fix your ship, or you can use an armor repairer module while in space.

<Fit the combat frigate, warp to site, kill NPCs>

Find Tahamar and take him out, once and for all.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Accept the mission.  Using the same frigate, fit the web. My final fit was: 3 guns, 1mn ab, web, hardener, shield booster, inertial stab, nanofiber, damage control.  undock.  I had to burn 4 systems to do this one.

Warp in, Take acceleration gate.

Kill NPCs, I didn't even move, just webbed and shot as they came close.  Take acceleration gate. gate will be locked often with NPCS outside of it

Kill NPCs. Kill the follow up waves.  After they are all dead, take acceleration gate.

Kill NPCs.  Then kill Tahmar's Stasis Tower.  Coming to a complete stop makes this easy too.

Kill Tahmar's pod.

Done, burn back, dock up>

<Complete Mission and get spare combat ship and isk.>

The State is grateful for your service, Ship Type. Thanks to your combat expertise we've got one less scumbag pirate boss to worry about.

If you would like to further your career in enforcement, there are Agents hiring across the cluster. I've heard the Sister's of EVE are looking for capable pilots, check out The Blood-Stained Stars for more information. If you'd rather broaden your skill set instead, you could start a conversation with any of the other Career Agents in this station.

Thanks again for everything, and good luck out there!


Soldier of Fortune

First doable in the corvette, rest given to you for free by the career agents as rewards, or via the AIR Career Program.  Note, you *LOSE SHIPS* in this one.  If you ignore what is told to you, you will have a bad time.

Mission Name

The Swap (1 of 10)


Fit double guns on corvette, warp, kill



Angel of Mercy (2 of 10)

In ewar frigate, lost a ship!


Your Undivided Attention (3 of 10)

Fit warp disruptor, use it on fleeing ship

worthless warp disruptor + isk

A Friend in Need (4 of 10)

Fit Remote rep, use it on hurt ship

worthless remote rep + emission book + isk

The Stand (5 of 10)

Kill a ship, lose a ship

Free combat frigate + isk

Don't Look Back (6 of 10)

Burn through a dangerous area

Some ammo + isk

Weapon of Choice (7 of 10)

Fit secondary weapon, destroy pirate

secondary weapon + isk

Glue (9 of 10)

Web hostile

worthless web + isk

The Exam (10 of 10)

Max frigate, kill the pirates who point!

Destroyer skill book, destroyer, isk

The Swap (1 of 10)

For you, my friend, there's always something.

Welcome, Ship Type. I'm told you want to learn some of the more advanced aspects of warfare.

A friend of mine has been summoned to a face-to-face meeting by a local pirate cartel, who've recently been attempting to blackmail him. I want you to take my friend's place and kill these criminals.

<Warp to site, shoot npcs>

Clear the area of any hostile vessels.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<You can use the starting combat ship if you want.  If you are starting with nothing, can use this instead:

First, setup your corvette for success.  Leave your corvette and right click on it, and repackage it.  Then reboard it on the right hand side.  This will give you 2 civilian guns.   Fit BOTH the civilian guns to the corvette, removing the mining laser.  Make sure you have an afterburner, and fill in other modules with useful stuff.  There is a button to the left of your guns that groups your guns, make sure to do that.  put a hobgoblin in your drone bay if you have room.

After your corvette/combat ship is configured, accept the mission.   Then it follows a VERY traditional NPC kill mission:



Approach the acceleration gate and active it when you get within 2.5km of it.

Orbit hostile using W key. (Hold down W, click on rat)

Start your afterburner

Lock up hostile with Control key when in range. (same method)

Hit F1 to have guns fire when in range, hover over the guns to see range of optimal + falloff, mine was 13km.

Repeat through the waves till you win.  pull your drones (if you are using them), reload guns if you have ammo in them.  Loot the wrecks.>

<Complete Mission and get isk>

Good work out there. As a show of thanks, my friend passed along part of the blackmail money he'd accumulated. You're clearly ready for bigger things, so let me know when you're ready to learn more.

<Request mission>

Angel of Mercy (2 of 10)

Yes, I have something for you.

We've discovered the headquarters of the pirate group you dispatched in your last mission, and it's time to take them out for good. I'm going to give you a frigate loaded with proximity-based explosive charges, and your job is to fly it directly into their headquarters.

As your frigate explodes, you'll be perfectly safe inside your capsule, so just relax and get back to me when you're done.

<Warp to site, shoot npcs>

Fly the frigate your agent gave you into the pirate base. Once the explosive charges inside have been set off, your assignment will be complete.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<This mission explodes your ship.

Accept the free frigate, it will not be a combat one but an EWAR one.  Assemble it and make it active.  Do not need to fit it.

You can make some VERY free isk here.  Right click on the ship, and insure it.  If you lose the ship without insurance, you make 50k isk.  If you insure it, you make 100k isk net.  (158k - 48k = 110k isk)  Always do Platinum insurance on ships you think you'll lose.

undock, warp.

Take the acceleration gate.  It has some limitations here, so hopefully you are NOT flying your well fit ship.

Approach the Hideout by double clicking on it.  Don't worry about the rats shooting you. When you get close enough, you explode. :D  And hooray a free 158k isk in insurance.  Don't worry about the wrecks, not much is in there.

Dock up in your pod, turn in.>

<Complete Mission and get isk>

Good work. You've now seen for yourself that losing a ship isn't the end of the world. You capsuleers have a saying, though: "Don't fly what you can't afford to lose." If you stick to affordable ships and modules, you'll be able to learn without risking everything you own.

When you're ready for another assignment, let me know.

<Request mission>

Your Undivided Attention (3 of 10)

Yes, I have something for you.

Next up is a kind of interdiction called warp disruption. When activated on another targeted ship, these kinds of modules "tackle" it, disabling its warp drive.

Tackling only works if you keep the target within your module's range and can overpower its Warp Strength. A Warp Disruptor lowers a ship's Warp Strength by 1, while the more powerful Warp Scrambler modules reduce it by 2.

I'll give you a Civilian Warp Disruptor to test out on a pirate that escaped from the headquarters you just blew up. Pin him down, but don't blow him up.

<Fit up rookie ship/combat frigate, add warp disruptor, warp disrupt fleeting ship>

Find the fleeing pirate and activate your Civilian Warp Disruptor on him, preventing an escape. You are authorized to kill any escort vessels that you see, but not the primary target.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Reboard your double gun civilian ship or the fit up combat frigate.  Open up a mid slot, and drag the warp disruptor to the middle (Dragging to the middle of the ship lets it figure out the slot itself).  Can remove a hardener or web to fit on the warp disruptor.

Note: A warp disruptor is abreviated 'point'.   Warp Scrambler, which also shuts off Microwarp drives, is a 'scram'.

Undock, warp.

Hold down control, left click on 'fleeing pirate', activate the civilian warp disruptor, and congrats you are done. Dock up!>

<Complete Mission and get isk>

Nicely done, Ship Type. It looks like our pirate friends got the message loud and clear. Hopefully you understand the basics of warp disruption now. There's more to it, of course, but regardless of how each different type of module works, the principle is always the same – pin them down and keep them there. 

Next up, I want to show you something a little more on the defensive end of things. Let me know when you're ready for the next assignment.

<Request mission>

A Friend in Need (4 of 10)

Sure, I've got something.

A vessel nearby was attacked by pirates, with the only survivor left for dead in a disabled vessel. We need you to repair his ship with Remote Shield Booster modules, so he can return to safety. Let me stress again that you are to repair the vessel. Not blow it up. I know you capsuleers have an itchy trigger finger at the best of times.

<Fit up rookie ship, unfit gun, add remote rep, warp to site, rep ship>

Find the missing agent and repair his vessel.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Reboard your double gun civilian ship.  Remove a gun, and drag the remote repper (Civilian Small Remote Armor Repairer or Civilian Small Remote Shield Booster) to the middle of the ship to have it find the slot

Undock, warp.

Approach the Damaged vessel, turn on your AB.  Hold down control, left click on 'Damaged Vessel'.  Wait till you are in range. Activate the remote rep, and congrats you are done. Dock up!>

<Complete Mission and get emission book + isk>

Good work out there. Our agent reported a safe journey back home. I hope you've come to learn something in the process, too. I arranged for a skill book to be made available to you as a reward. If you're interested in the use of shield transfer modules, then you'll want to train it up eventually.

<Request mission>

The Stand (5 of 10)

Something just came up that's right up your alley.

Alright, this next assignment is going to test your nerves. We're sending you into a much larger and better defended pirate base. It is unlikely you will defeat all their forces; just put up the best fight you can before being destroyed.

I'll provide you with a combat frigate, but you'll have to fit it with your own modules. I'd keep the fittings cheap — you're not expected to come out of this one intact, although we do expect you to make at least one kill.

Let me stress this point, Ship Type: We want you to kill at least one pirate and then hold out as long as you can, so you may not leave the area until your ship has been destroyed or by some miracle, you survive the fight. Use the frigate I'm giving you since if you lose your own, I will not be replacing it.

<Fit up rookie ship double gun, warp to site, Shoot the target, DIE>

Make a stand at the pirate base – destroy at least one ship and survive for as long as you can against the reinforcements that come.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Again, refit the corvette with the double civilian gun, and AB.  You do NOT need to use the combat frigate you're given here, though your life is somewhat harder.

If you don't feel ready for some stress, can just use the combat frigate they give you.  Use triple civilian gun and the AB on the combat frigate.  Same process here.

The helping app on the left will tell you to get in the combat frigate.  You can ignore it.   Right click anywhere in space to bring up the menu, at the bottom is the Agent missions, The Stand, Encounter (Deadspace) and click warp.

When you land, you will be 30km a frigate.  You *MUST* be quick here.  The corvette costs you nothing, so you are risking very little here.

Orbit him.  Turn on afterburner.  Lock him.  Shoot him when in range.  He got me to half armor before I killed him.

If you struggle to kill him in time, you can use the free combat frigate they give you, just make sure to insure it.

After he dies, a large fleet comes in. :)  And you die!  When you're in a pod, you can dock up and turn in the mission.>

<Complete Mission and get isk>

Not bad, Ship Type. You did well out there against overwhelming odds. Hopefully, that allowed you to wrestle with the threat of ship loss. In these early days, you probably won't find yourself in such challenging situations, but it's helpful to know how to face them. Whether you lose a ship or not, you can always rise to the next challenge.

<Request mission>

Don't Look Back (6 of 10)

Here is a mission suited for someone of your caliber.

Welcome back. Now we're going for speed. 

You can use two types of active propulsion modules: Afterburners and their bigger brother Microwarpdrives (or MWDs). We're about to teach you how to use Afterburners.

Afterburners don't increase your speed as drastically as MWDs, but they suffer less penalties: They use only a moderate amount of capacitor to run and cannot be disabled by Warp Scramblers. Afterburners are also much easier to fit to your ship - they use less power grid and less CPU, and have no fitting penalties. 

We've got an area riddled with dangerous electromagnetic interference that will damage your ship periodically. Your task is to fly through the clouds of EM disturbance using an Afterburner, and make it to the other side in one piece.

<Fit up rookie ship with 1 AB, warp to site, burn to structure>

Use your Afterburner to travel quickly through the electromagnetic disturbance to the Asteroid Colony.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<Since we lost our corvette in the past mission, we can board a new corvette on the right hand side.  I recommend doing the repackaging trick to get another gun on it too.

Make sure the afterburner is on it.

Undock, warp to site.

Approach the acceleration gate and activate it.

Double click towards the Asteroid Station to align towards it.

You will take a lot of damage, but as long as you reach the end and warp out, you complete it.  You can easily repair the ship or just get a new corvette.

Once you reach the asteroid station, you can dock up>

<Complete Mission and get ammo and isk>

Good work — you made it through the gauntlet alive. 

You should take a moment to consider all that you've learned so far and how it all ties together. No module works in isolation. Warp Scramblers, for example (the close-range interdiction modules), don't work well unless you can close in on your enemy, and for that you need an Afterburner. Similarly, if you're using a Warp Disruptor, the long-range variants, you will perhaps want to keep your enemy away from you… so again, Afterburners become useful. Dictating range is a crucial aspect of any engagement, but when you are tackling, it becomes particularly important.

<Request mission>

Weapon of Choice (7 of 10) (caldari version)

Sure, I've got something.

Alongside Hybrid guns, we Caldari use missiles, the best option of all. While weapons from other factions damn near lock you into dealing a single type of damage - EM, Thermal, Kinetic or Explosive - Caldari missiles can deal any kind, and we can switch them out on the fly. We even have Auto-Targeting Missiles that don't require you to lock on to the enemy, which is particularly useful when your electronics systems have been compromised.

We've cornered a pirate nearby. I'll provide you with a Civilian Light Missile Launcher, and I hope you finish him off with it.

Editors note: this is different for gallente and amarr.

<Fit up rookie ship with secondary weapon, warp to site, kill the target>

Use your Civilian Light Missile Launcher to destroy the pirate.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<In your corvette/combat ship, fit the civilian missile launcher.   Might have to remove a gun/miner to do so.  Then drag the missiles into the middle of the ship to load it with ammo.  If you are Gallente or amarr, put the Hobgoblins they give you in your drone bay.

Undock, warp to site.

Orbit the pirate, lock him up, shoot with the missile/drone.   I was able to two shot it with missiles.  Dock up, you're done.>

<Complete Mission and get isk>

Excellent work out there. Ideally, you've built a little on your understanding of our nation's warfare methods.

Just keep in mind that if you prefer one system over another, you can train into it. None of the empires restrict access to their weapons technology. Of course, Caldari weapons work best on Caldari ships, which often give exclusive bonuses to fitting our weapons — so if you tend to like any other type of weapon system, then chances are you'll want to train or cross-train into that race's starships as well.

<Request mission>

The Pacifist (8 of 10)

Here is a mission suited for someone of your caliber.

Fleet Warfare is common in New Eden, and in any fleet, the Fleet Commander (often referred to as 'FC') is the most important voice to listen to. 

For your next assignment, you will join one of our local anti-piracy fleets as auxiliary support for a hostage rescue. You will take your orders from a local CONCORD FC, and your job will be explained to you once you arrive at the perimeter of the base. Follow the instructions carefully; the lives of those hostages and the completion of your own training depend on it.

Alright, good luck then. Pay close attention to your orders as they are given; don't just charge in and start shooting.

<Fit up rookie ship with double gun again, kill npcs, loot hostages>

Acquire these goods:

Follow the instructions from the CONCORD Fleet Commander and bring the hostage situation to an end.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<In your corvette/combat ship, fit max guns again, even though we won't use them.  Warp to site.

When you warp in, you will see a blue ship, that's a friendly.  You will also approach the acceleration gate and activate it.

When you arrive, they'll give you some instructions.  Just approach the can.  Open it. 'loot all' button. Dock up, you're done.>

<Complete Mission and get isk>

Well done out there. You followed your orders, as I hoped you would. There's a lot more to being a competent fleet pilot, of course, but so often it is these simple lessons that are forgotten the fastest. Discipline counts for a great deal.

<Request mission>

Glue (9 of 10)

For you, my friend, there's always something.

We're returning to interdiction tactics by having you test out a Stasis Webifier module.  When activated on a target ship, the Stasis Webifier will encase it in a containment field and slow it down dramatically.

Time for you to see for yourself. We've chased a pirate down to a nearby hideout and we want you to pin him down. We'll provide you with a Civilian Stasis Webifier, and you may want to fit an afterburner, too.

<Fit up rookie ship with web, web the hostile>

Use the Civilian Stasis Webifier to corner the pirate and then interrogate him.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<In your corvette/combat ship, fit max guns again, even though we won't use them.  Fit the webifier.  Warp to site.

Burn with your afterburner to the pirate leader.  Lock him up when in range.

Apply the web when that's in range. DONE! Dock up.>

<Complete Mission and get isk>

Nicely done. You applied just the right amount of firepower necessary, something which can often yield more than outright slaughter. 

You've almost completed your training with us. Once you're done, we plan to recommend you to our nation's capsuleer militia: The State Protectorate. What you have learned from us would be quickly overshadowed by what you could learn while fighting in service to the State. You would be excused for thinking that money would be a more suitable reward, but reputation can matter just as much in New Eden, and so does finding people you can trust, who you can consider a family. 

To belong to the Protectorate though, you must prove yourself as a combat pilot. That is what lies ahead, Ship Type — get a combat ship fitted out and get yourself ready for a fight.

<Request mission>

The Exam (10 of 10)

Sure, I've got something.

We're going to be stepping back on this one and letting you take control of the situation. One of our patrols spotted a small group of suspicious vessels headed towards a local pleasure hub. After processing their ship's ID tags, we've determined that one of the pilots is a known terrorist responsible for dozens of station bombings. 

A CONCORD raid into the premises would be picked up by the terrorists well before the ships actually arrived. We need this murderer taken out while we have his location, so you must move in yourself and then assassinate him, understand?

<Fit up combat ship with webs and max weaponry, orbit hostiles, kill them>

Kill the terrorist leader inside the Pleasure Hub.

<Accept  | Delay | Decline> (NEVER DO DECLINE)

<You cannot complete this the corvette!  This is a somewhat hard fight.

In the combat they gave you for enforcer, fit max guns and your secondary weapon, Fit a webifier or two.  Fit the shield boosters/armor repairer.  Warp to site.

Orbit the leader with your afterburner on.  Lock him up when in range.  Kill the pirate lader ones, use your shield booster/armor repairer if you get low.

You cannot warp out if you get low because he is warp disrupting you.

Apply the web when that's in range. shoot him till he dies.

If your shields/armor get low, turn on the shield booster/armor repairer, and shut it off when it stabilizes.  You want to stay above 30% capacitor.

Once they all die, make sure to loot the leader, he can sometimes have good meta gear.   Dock up, turn in!>

<Complete Mission and get isk>

Excellent work, Ship Type! You've proven you know how to handle yourself in deadly situations.

We can always use good pilots like yourself, you should consider enlisting in Factional Warfare, where you can fight alongside other pilots pledged to the State. If instead, you would rather broaden your skills, you can start a conversation with any of my fellow Career Agents right here in this station.

Whatever you choose to do next, I thank you for the help you've given us. Fly safe, Captain.


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