Pandemic Horde Rentals
Pandemic Horde Rentals
Pandemic Horde Rentals does not have a public webpage. All details are part of the horde group, and is easy to get into.
There is a real rental team, but operates fully in game and discord.
Contact Keleios Shizaru (in game, discord id is name smashed together) for details on renting space from Pandemic Horde. Only Horde directors or Gilthune Aideron will ever give you details on renting from Horde.
Do not trust anyone not in Horde Vanguard, it might be a scam or they might try to hack your computer.
Renting mechanics
You pay isk, you get space to do what you want. It's fine if you are talking to a horde rental manager, but anyone who is outside of that is more likely a scam.
I do not recommend renting at all, but some people like to spend isk, so who am I to stop them.
But I have money! Why shouldn't I rent?
How many people do you have in your corporation? It's a simple question.
How much money did you make last month or do you expect to make? Can't answer that question easily? Then you don't care about money THAT much.
Instead of paying taxes to a null sec corporation (Join a Corporation), which are 10%, you are instead going to pay 2.5 billion isk to someone.
I make too much money. How? Are you going to make 25 billion isk this next month ratting? 25 billion isk mining? That seems like a lot to avoid a 10% tax.
Well I am my own CEO. Why would you need your own space? Just work with a group and this game is WAAAY better.
I don't like to pvp. Have you tried it with friends? You won't ever get better if you don't practice. You will have to pvp anywhere you go in this game.
I want to control my own space. I understand this, but at what a cost.
I run 10 accounts and it's easier. This is the easiest answer I know of :)
My group of 5 friends want to try out null. So consider joining a null group for a bit, see if it's for you. I think you'll find you don't have to pay rent and just play.
I don't care about money. You obviously do if you're focused on the 10% tax rat on kind of crap income. You can do exploration and pay only shipping/selling taxes, not 10%.
But I can't go to high sec. That's a positive. high sec is trash content. It's the newbie zone you escape in every MMO. :D
But I do <xyz> content in high sec! There's very little content you can do in high sec you cannot do in null. See if you can stump me!
But I print money in wormholes. Yep, keep printing that money then. :D